[UPS] <journal> journal

Leslie Carr lac@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Wed, 27 Oct 1999 13:32:41 +0100

> A problem I see with Stevan's suggestion is that the Journal field will
> sparsely be filled out, because it requires the author to go back to the
> preprint metadata, once he knows in which journal, issue etc... his
> paper will be published.

One of the aims of the EPrintlinks project is to determine how the archives are
actually used, so I can tell you that some 60% of the hep-ph submissions have had a
publishing journal identified by the author.

What we can't say yet is *why* the figure is 60%. More explicitly, what is the
combination of human laziness/ inefficiency/ reluctance with respect to the archive
and researcher failure with respect to journal rejection rates? 16% of hep-ph
submissions have neither report-no nor journal-ref fields, which would seem
somewhat amiss---perhaps that will turn out to be a baseline for a measure of

I guess that 60% may be "sparse" for some applications, but I think that it is
probably "rich" enough to be useful, certainly to seed any searching and indexing
Leslie Carr
Tel: +44 1703 594479  Fax: +44 1703 592865
Email: L.Carr@ecs.soton.ac.uk URL: http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/~lac
ACM Member: 5135934  IEEE Member: 40323275
Dept of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK