[OAI-implementers] Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting Version 2 news

Josie Imlay jimlay@atypedigital.com
Mon, 4 Feb 2002 16:06:17 -0800

I was thinking that on the sets being optional it would make more sence if a particular archive does not want to use sets for their to be a standard responce, or way to handle this.

To me the way to do this is to make sets manditory, but say that if you don't want to use them then just have one set called "all" or something. This is hardly makes it any more dificult from the standpoint of the developer because he can just have a static responce. But from the harvester that's programmed to deal with sets, it doesn't even notice that there is a difference.

Josie Imlay
On Mon, Feb 04, 2002 at 12:04:48PM -0500, Carl Lagoze wrote:
> Dear OAI community: 
> In mid-2001 the Open Archives Initiative Technical Committee (OAI-TC) was
> formed to develop and write version 2 of the Open Archives Protocol for
> Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH).  In this email, we would like to inform you about:
> * The context of this technical work;
> * The process for undertaking the work;
> * The schedule for the release of v.2.0 of the OAI-PMH;
> * Anticipated changes in v.2.0 of the OAI-PMH.
> Carl Lagoze and Herbert Van de Sompel
> => The context of this technical work was:
> 1. The original release of the OAI-PMH, version 1.x, was intended to
> initiate a year long period of experimentation with the protocol.  The goal
> was to make this experimental version as stable as possible to encourage
> usage and testing. (In fact, only one change from version 1.0 to 1.1 was made
> during the year in response to a W3C change in the XML schema
> specification).
> 2. The OAI-TC work should avoid if possible the addition of significant
> functionality to the protocol. Instead, the scope of work should be to
> resolve problems that arose over the past year in reaction to experience in
> the user community.
> 3. While it was not deemed necessary that version 2.0 be backward compatible
> with version 1.x, the upgrade path when version 2 is release should be
> reasonably straightforward.
> 4. The result of the work, version 2, should be a stable, "standard"
> release.  It remains undecided as to whether a formal standardization
> process will be undertaken with the version 2 protocol.
>  => The process for undertaking this work has been: 
> 1. Formation of the OAI-TC representing technical expertise from a
> cross-section of the OAI community.  Conduct of this work within a closed
> technical committee follows the same procedure which was successfully used
> for the development of OAI-PMH v. 1.x.  Members of OAI-TC are listed at
> http://www.openarchives.org/organization/tech.comm.html.
> 2. Joint identification of issues 
> 3. Development of issue white papers 
> 4. Vetting of white papers to determine those that were in scope of OAI-TC
> work 
> 5. Development of issue resolution 
> 6. On-line and phone meetings to reach final issue resolution 
> 7. Reporting and validation of the results of the work of OAI-TC to the OAI Steering Committee.
> Members of OAI-SC are listed at
> http://www.openarchives.org/news/oaiscpress000825.html
> 8. Protocol revision and writing 
> => The schedule for the release of v 2.0 of the protocol is as follows: 
> 1. March 1: release of the protocol to a limited group of alpha testers 
> 2. April 1: beta public release 
> 3. May 1: final public release 
> => The following is a summary of the changes that are anticipated for
> version 2 of OAI-PMH: 
> 1. Dates and times - Standardize on UTC for all dates and times in protocol
> requests ("from" and "until" arguments) and responses.
>  2. Harvesting Granularity- Allow all ISO8601 time granularities in dates
> and times in the "from" and "until" arguments of protocol requests.  Allow a
> data provider to expose its support date/time granularity in the response to
> an Identity request.  Default granularity is YYY-MM-DD.
> 3. Flow control - Improve flow control by allowing the following optional
> attributes when a resumptionToken is returned:    
> * retryAfter - a suggested wait time until the request should be resubmitted
> * expirationDate - the projected expiration of the resumptionToken  
> * completeListSize - total number of items across entire result set 
> * cursor - index of first item in this batch within entire result set 
> 4. set functionality - It will be possible to specify an identifier as
> argument to the ListSets verb, permitting a harvester to inquire to which
> sets an item belongs.  Responses to ListRecords and GetRecord will return
> the sets to which each item belongs. Support of sets remains optional.
> 5. base-URL - Insulate harvesters from proxy servers by mandating that the
> visible identity of the "handling server" in responses be that of a
> persistent "master", that may opaquely reflect requests to slaves. 
> 6. xml schema for mandatory Dublin Core - Coordinate with the DCMI so that
> the schema used by the OAI is based on one managed by DCMI.  Must allow
> inclusion of the xml lang attribute (specifying the language of the metadata
> value). 
> 7. Dedupping - Define an optional "provenance" XML container that can be
> attached to metadata records that a data provider aggregates from other
> sources.  This will help harvesters in detecting duplicates harvested from
> multiple data providers. 
> 8. Error handling - Report OAI errors in OAI responses in a manner
> independent of HTTP status codes. 
> 9. Set description - Define an optional XML container with which communities
> can describe individual sets. 
> 10. Multiple metadata formats - Modify ListIdentifiers to permit a metadata
> format as argument, filtering the return to include only record identifiers
> that support the specified format.
> _______________________________________________
> OAI-implementers mailing list
> OAI-implementers@oaisrv.nsdl.cornell.edu
> http://oaisrv.nsdl.cornell.edu/mailman/listinfo/oai-implementers