ResourceSync Framework Specification - Notification - Alpha Draft

22 November 2013

This version:
Latest version:
Martin Klein, Robert Sanderson, Herbert Van de Sompel - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Simeon Warner - Cornell University
Graham Klyne - University of Oxford
Bernhard Haslhofer - University of Vienna
Michael Nelson - Old Dominion University
Carl Lagoze - University of Michigan


The ResourceSync core specification introduces a pull-based synchronization framework for the web that consists of various capabilities that a Source can implement to allow Destinations to remain synchronized with its evolving resources. This ResourceSync notification specification describes two additional, push-based, capabilities that a Source can support. Both are aimed at reducing synchronization latency and entail a Source sending notifications to subscribing Destinations.

This specification is one of several documents comprising the ResourceSync Framework Specifications.

Status of this Document

This specification is an alpha draft released for public comment. PubSubHubbub will be used as the push-technology for initial experiments instead of WebSockets as described here. Feedback is most welcome on the ResourceSync Google Group.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
    1.1 Motivating Examples
    1.2 Notational Conventions
2. Notification Types and Channels
    2.1 Notification Change Types
3. Advertising Notification Channels
4. Change Notification
5. Framework Notification
6. Websockets
7. References


A. Acknowledgements
B. Change Log

1. Introduction

This specification describes notification capabilities defined for the ResourceSync framework. The push-based notification capabilities are aimed at decreasing the synchronization latency between a Source and a Destination that is inherent in the pull-based capabilities defined in the ResourceSync core specification. Two notification capabilities are specified and both entail a Source sending notifications to subscribing Destinations. The Change Notification capability consists of a Source sending notifications about changes to its resources. The Framework Notification capability consists of a Source sending out notifications about changes to its implementation of the ResourceSync framework, for example the publication of a new Resource List or the updating of a Change List.

1.1. Motivating Examples

Applications based on Linked Data integrate resources from various datasets, with resources likely changing at a different pace. The BBC Linked Data applications that integrate data from, among others, Last.FM, DBpedia, MusicBrainz, and GeoNames serve as examples. The accuracy of services based on such an integrated resource collection depends on the contributing resources being up-to-date. The update frequency of LiveDBPedia resources, for example, has been observed to average around two changes per second. This provides a significant synchronization challenge that the Change Notification capability aims to address.

While the pull-based capabilities specified in the ResourceSync core specification allow Destinations to remain informed about the evolving state of a Source's resources, they do leave the question open as to when a Destination should check whether, for example, a Source has published a new Resource List or has updated a Change List. A pragmatic solution is for Destinations to recurrently poll a Source at a frequency that is based on experience with the pace of prior updates. The Framework Notification capability is about informing Destinations about changes to a Source's ResourceSync environment, thereby providing an explicit trigger to poll a Source, and in doing so removing uncertainty and optimizing the synchronization process.

1.2. Notational Conventions

This specification uses the terms "resource", "representation", "request", "response", "content negotiation", "client", and "server" as described in [Architecture of the World Wide Web].

Throughout this document, the following namespace prefix bindings are used:

PrefixNamespace URIDescription Sitemap XML elements defined in the Sitemap protocol
rs Namespace for elements and attributes introduced in this specification

Table 1.1: Namespace prefix bindings used in this document

2. Notification Types and Channels

Notifications are applied at two distinct levels in the ResourceSync framework:

  1. Change Notifications are sent to inform Destinations about resource change events, for example, when a Source's resource that is subject to synchronization was created, updated, or deleted. Details are provided in Section 3.
  2. Framework Notifications are sent to inform Destinations about changes to capabilities of the ResourceSync framework, for example, if a Source's Change List or Capability List was created, updated, or deleted. Details are provided in Section 4.
As is the case with all capabilities in the ResourceSync framework, the Change Notification and Framework Notification capabilities are independent and can be implemented in a modular manner.

Notifications are sent from Source to Destination using a push technology. Change Notifications and Framework Notifications are sent on different notification channels. The push technology used by this specification is WebSockets [RFC 6455] (see Section 6 for details). WebSockets allow distinct channels to be defined using a different socket for each channel.

Figure 1 displays the structure of the ResourceSync framework for a Source that has a single set of resources, showing the Source Description and the Capability List at the top. The Capability List advertises four distinct capabilities: a Resource List, a Change List, a Resource Dump, and a Change Dump. The figure also shows a Framework Notification channel (red hexagon) and a Change Notification channel (yellow hexagon) and indicates the levels of the framework they apply to:

A Framework- and a Change Notification channel

Figure 1: A Framework- and a Change Notification channel in the ResourceSync framework structure

The ResourceSync framework allows a Source to offer multiple sets of resources in which case the Source Description points to multiple Capability Lists, one for each set of resources. This scenario has the following implications for the notification capabilities:

Figure 2 depicts a scenario where a Source offers multiple sets of resources and its Source Description therefore points to multiple Capability Lists, one for each set of resources, in this case Capability List 1 and Capability List 2. Figure 2 shows that each set of resources has a designated Change Notification and Framework Notification channel. Change Notification channel 1, for example, is used to send change notifications about changes to resources that are part of the set of resources covered by Capability List 1. In contrast, Framework Notification channel 2 is used to send notifications about changes to the capability documents advertised by Capability List 2 and about changes to Capability List 2 itself. Notifications about changes to the Source Description are sent via Framework Notification channel 1 and Framework Notification channel 2.

Framework and Change Notification channels for multiple Capability Lists

Figure 2: Framework and Change Notification channels for multiple sets of resources

2.1. Notification Change Types

The following table provides an overview of the possible change types that Change Notifications and Framework Notifications inform about within the ResourceSync framework.

CapabilityChange Type
Change Notification
Individual ResourceXXX
Framework Notification
Resource ListX
Resource DumpX
Change ListXX
Change DumpXX
Capability ListXXX
Source DescriptionXXX

Table 2.1: Notification Change Types

Note that the creation and deletion of Change Notification channels and Framework Notification channels is reflected in updated Capability Lists (see section 3). This specification does not define a notification about notification channels.

3. Advertising Notification Channels

Notification capabilities are advertised via Capability Lists, as is the case with the capabilities defined in the core ResourceSync specification. As both the Change Notification channel and the Framework Notification channel are dedicated to a particular set of resources, they are advertised in the Capability List that corresponds with the set of resources.

Figure 3 displays a Change Notification channel and a Framework Notification channel advertised in a Capability List. The figure shows a structure with only one Capability List that advertises its designated notification channels. Other Capability Lists, each of which pertain to a different set of resources, would advertise their respective notification channels. The displayed Capability List could, in addition to the notification channels, advertise other capabilities such as a Resource List or a Change List as introduced in the core specification, and also advertise archive capabilities as introduced in the archiving specification.

Framework and Change Notification channel discovery

Figure 3: Framework and Change Notification channel discovery

Example 3.1 shows the Capability List from Example 7.1 of the core specification with discovery links for a Change Notification channel and a Framework Notification channel added. The URIs identifying WebSockets channels are provided in the <loc> elements. Note the introduction of the change-notification and framework-notification values for the capability attribute to indicate the Change Notification and Framework Notification capabilities, respectively.

<urlset xmlns=""
   <rs:ln rel="describedby"
   <rs:ln rel="up"
   <rs:md capability="capabilitylist"/>
       <rs:md capability="resourcelist"/>
       <rs:md capability="resourcedump"/>
       <rs:md capability="changelist"/>
       <rs:md capability="changedump"/>
      <rs:md capability="change-notification"/>
      <rs:md capability="framework-notification"/>

Example 3.1: A Capability List with entries to discover notification channels

4. Change Notification

A change notification is sent on the appropriate Change Notification channel, as described in Section 2, if a Source wishes to notify a Destination that one or more of its resources subject to synchronization have changed. By subscribing to a Change Notification channel, a Destination can reduce synchronization latency and avoid periodically polling the Source's Change Lists to determine whether resource changes have occurred.

The format of a change notification is very similar to the Change List format introduced in Section 10 of the core specification. It is based on the <urlset> document format introduced by the Sitemap protocol. It has the <urlset> root element and the following structure:

Change notifications do not use the <sitemapindex> document format introduced by the Sitemap protocol. In the event that there are a very large number of simultaneous changes at a Source, the notifications must be split into a sequence of change notifications using documents.

Example 4.1 shows the payload of a change notification containing the description of changes to two resources.

<urlset xmlns=""
   <rs:ln rel="up"
      <rs:md change="updated"
      <rs:md change="updated"

Example 4.1: The payload of a change notification

5. Framework Notification

A framework notification is sent on the appropriate Framework Notification channel, as described in Section 2, if a Source wishes to notify a Destination about changes to Resource Lists, Change Lists, Resource Dumps, Change Dumps, Capability Lists, and Source Descriptions. By subscribing to a Framework Notification channel, Destinations can refrain from periodically pulling these documents to determine whether they changed.

The format of a framework notification is very similar to the Change List format introduced in Section 10 of the core specification. It is based on the <urlset> document format introduced by the Sitemap protocol. It has the <urlset> root element and the following structure:

Framework notifications do not use the <sitemapindex> document format introduced by the Sitemap protocol.

Example 5.1 shows the payload of a framework notification informing the Destination about the availability of a new Resource List.

<urlset xmlns=""
   <rs:ln rel="up"
      <rs:md change="created"

Example 5.1: The payload of a framework notification that informs about the availability of a new Resource List

As shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2, framework notifications are never sent at the index level. If the Source sends a framework notification about the change to a document (e.g., a Resource List) that resides under an index, it must provide a <rs:ln> child element to the <url> element in which that change is communicated. The relation type of that link must be index, and the target of the link must be the index (e.g., the Resource List Index) that the changed document resides under.

It is likely that framework notifications only contain information about a single change to the framework. However, multiple such changes can be aggregated into a single framework notification. Example 5.2 shows the payload of a framework notification informing the Destination about a new Resource List, a new Resource Dump, and about an updated Change List. The Resource List resides under an index and hence the corresponding <url> element has a <rs:ln> child element with the relation type index. Note that the framework notification only contains one entry for one new Resource List that resides under an index even though the index likely points to other new Resource Lists.

<urlset xmlns=""
   <rs:ln rel="up"
      <rs:md change="created"
      <rs:ln rel="index"
      <rs:md change="created"
      <rs:md change="updated"

Example 5.2: A framework notification informing about multiple framework changes

6. WebSockets

The WebSocket protocol is a bi-directional channel over a single TCP connection, and integrated with the web. It is standardized as RFC 6455, and (at the time of writing) the WebSocket API is being standardized in the W3C. It is supported by all of the major browsers, many libraries and implementations exist for both server and client side development, and debugging interfaces are built into the Chrome browser's developer tools for the transactions sent between systems. The communication can be done, for example over port 80 or 443, which makes it easier to support in environments with firewalls at either the Source or Destination, and web proxy support is available.

Each websocket has a URI, with the scheme ws:// for basic websockets and wss:// for encrypted websockets (the equivalent of http:// and https://). On requesting a connection to this URI, the client will negotiate with the server to set up the communication channel. There is then minimal overhead for wrappers that surround the messages that pass back and forth over the websocket.

The implementation of this notification specification using the WebSocket protocol is straightforward. The messages, as described above, will only be passed from the server (Source) to the client (Destination). No messages are defined in this specification for client to server communication over the websocket. The notification channels are advertised in the Capability List as described in Section 3. Destinations should connect to the websocket as advertised, listen for messages and process them as if they had retrieved them from the pull-based capabilities defined in the ResourceSync Core Specification.

A minimal, trivial implementation in Python, using Tornado is shown in Example 6.1.

import tornado.ioloop
from tornado.web import Application
from tornado.websocket import WebSocketHandler
from resync import ChangeList, Resource

class MyApplication(Application):
    def __init__(self):    
        handlers = [(r"/channels/dataset1/change_notification_channel", ResyncSocketHandler)]
        Application.__init__(self, handlers, {})

class ResyncSocketHandler(WebSocketHandler):
    destinations = set()
    def open(self):
    def on_close(self):
    def send_updates(cls, msg, frm=None):
        for dest in cls.destinations:
            if dest != frm:
                    pass # logging goes here

def sendEventsCallback():
    newEvents = get_new_resourcesync_events() # Implement me
    if newEvents:
      cl = ChangeList()
      for event in newEvents:
          cl.add(Resource(event.url, change=event.typ, lastmod=event.time))

app = MyApplication()
loop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance()
notifier = tornado.ioloop.PeriodicCallback(sendEventsCallback, 5000, io_loop=loop)
notifier.start() # check for events every 5 seconds

Example 6.1: A simple websocket implementation for the ResourceSync notification framework

7. References

[RFC 6455]
IETF RFC 6455: The WebSocket Protocol, I. Fette, A. Melnikov, December 2011.
[WebSocket API]
The WebSocket API, I. Hickson, Editor, World Wide Web Consortium, 20 September 2012
Sitemaps XML format and protocol,, 27 February 2008.
[Web Architecture]
Architecture of the World Wide Web, Volume One, I. Jacobs and N. Walsh, Editors, World Wide Web Consortium, 15 January 2004.

A. Acknowledgements

This specification is the collaborative work of NISO and the Open Archives Initiative. Funding for ResourceSync is provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. UK participation is supported by Jisc.

The names of individual contributors will be listed here when the final specification is released.

B. Change Log

Date Editor Description
2013-11-22 martin, herbert, rob, simeon added note that PubSubHubbub will be used for initial experiments, not WebSockets
2013-11-12 martin, herbert, rob, simeon version 0.8

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.