[Orechem] Attendance for the 10/14 meeting in Pittsburgh?

Lee Dirks Lee.Dirks at microsoft.com
Sun Oct 4 12:17:31 EDT 2009

If you are planning to attend the oreChem meeting on 10/14 (or will be sending a delegate), please send me an email.  [Please: Just to me...not the entire list!]

We need to get a count a.s.a.p., plus I need to know if you are also attending the Microsoft eScience meeting as well - for travel purposes.  If you haven't already made your travel arrangements for the MS eScience meeting, I need to inform the travel agents who will be arriving a day early for the oreChem meeting - so we can approve the extra day, etc.

So far, I am only aware of:

*         Cornell: Carl attending. Theresa?

*         Cambridge: Peter and Jim not attending, but sending Nico as proxy.

*         Southampton: Jeremy and Simon not attending, but sending Mark Borkum as proxy.

*         Penn State: Lee, Karl, and Prasenjit?

*         Indiana: Geoffrey and Marlin?

*         Queensland: Jane?

Thanks, all!
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