[Orechem] Planning for this weekend's meeting

Carl Lagoze clagoze at gmail.com
Thu Mar 26 17:03:58 EDT 2009

Hi all:

I'd like to split up the meeting as follows:

Saturday  (1-5PM)
  - status reports
  - realignment of our project schedule and collaboration methods.   
We've had a lot of moving of dates and now that we are fully in gear I  
want to make sure we have solid, agreed upon, reachable goals. These  
should be recorded on the Wiki after we settle on them

Sunday (9-5)
   - My main priority for this day is a heads-down working session to  
settle on a data model.  We absolutely need this to push our work  
forward.  Please review the wiki pages.

Let me know if you have any suggestions or questions.  BTW, I have  
asked for a working lunch to be ready for us when we start on Saturday.

Looking forward to seeing you all.


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