[Orechem] Visualising RDF and ORE graphs

Frey J.G. J.G.Frey at soton.ac.uk
Fri Mar 6 03:32:45 EST 2009

I completely agree with Peter - we use the visualizer from Simile but it is far from ideal.  We have also experimented with using RDFa, for example drawing tables of data and being bale to view the underlying RDF but this is not the same as a graph view.

A good system would be an excellent project deliverable.

On 06/03/2009 08:26, "Peter Murray-Rust" <pm286 at cam.ac.uk> wrote:

I recently posted some RDF to the Wiki. RDF is pretty turgid for bedtime
  reading and I wondered if we have a method for visualising it
communally on the wiki.

Currently it's possible to paste RDF into the W3C RDF Validator and get
a graph, but that expands all URIs so it's almost unreadable.

Ideally we should have a project service that one can drop some RDF into
and it makes a nice picture (like the nice pictures in the ORE specs)
automatically. It would be real cool if this could identify the
different namespaces and paint them different colours, especially the
ORE protoagonists...

If we are intending to impress the world (and it's certainly in my
ambitions) then a pretty RDF browser would be useful.


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