[OAI-implementers] validation of OAI response

Hussein Suleman hussein at cs.uct.ac.za
Wed Apr 14 17:12:27 EDT 2010

hi Tim

it seems there is a small error in the specification of the XML schema 
in joai. the setDescription's dc tag needs to have an absolute URL for 
the oai_dc schema in schemaLocation, namely:


once that is fixed, it validates without a hitch.


hussein suleman ~ hussein at cs.uct.ac.za ~ http://www.husseinsspace.com

Timo Pröscholdt wrote:
> Hello,
> the XMLSchema at http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/OAI-PMH.xsd 
> requires strict validation for the content of <setDescription> in a 
> reply to a ListSets request, while allowing arbitrary namespaces.
> I'm wondering how one goes about validating such XML. It is clear that 
> one would validate against OAI-PMH.xsd, but in order to validate the
> content of <setDescription> one would also have to load the 
> corresponding XMLschema. Since the namespace can be anything it can 
> obviously not be imported into OAI-PMH.xsd.
> Is one supposed to fetch the XMLschema from the supplied schemaLocation
> before validating?
> The background of my question is that I'm tracking interoperability 
> issues between two OAI implementations. (joai,genoetwork). joai returns 
> the attached reply, which does not validate against OAI-PMH.xsd.
> any hints would be very much appreciated
> thanks
> Timo
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