O p e n  A r c h i v e s  I n i t i a t i v e

Participate in the OAI community by sharing information or by implementing the OAI protocol.

Archived Mail Lists:

  • The OAI general list is a moderated, low-traffic forum for OAI issues and announcements of a non-technical nature.
    OAI general
  • The OAI implementers list is a forum for technical discussions about the OAI protocol and its use.
    OAI implementers

Interoperability Participants:

  • DATA PROVIDERS - These participants administer systems that support the OAI protocol as a means of exposing metadata about the content in their repository.
    registered data providers        as a data provider
  • SERVICE PROVIDERS - These participants issue OAI protocol requests to the systems of data providers and use the returned metadata as a basis for building value-added services.
    registered service providers        as a service provider

Community specific standards and conventions:

Contact us at openarchives@openarchives.org

Support for Open Archives Initiative activities has come from the Digital Library Federation, the Coalition for Networked Information, and from National Science Foundation Grant No. IIS-9817416