[OAI-implementers] ResumptionToken expiration

Tim Brody tim@tim.brody.btinternet.co.uk
Tue, 15 Jan 2002 13:02:52 -0000

I believe an expired resumptionToken (i.e. invalid) would be an "illegal
argument", so is a 400 error?

(10 minutes isn't very long, that would only be long enough to store the
responses - not long enough to process them - why time out so soon?)

All the best,

----- Original Message -----
From: "ePrints Support" <support@eprints.org>
To: <oai-implementers@oaisrv.nsdl.cornell.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 12:43 PM
Subject: [OAI-implementers] ResumptionToken expiration

> I'm wondering what the correct way to report that a resumptionToken
> is expired is? Currently I'm looking at a 400, which feels wrong as
> it's technically a valid request.
> I'm currently looking at the results cache expiring after 10 minutes
> of non-use.
> --
>  Christopher Gutteridge                   support@eprints.org
>  ePrints Technical Support                +44 23 8059 4833
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