[OAI-implementers] MARC to Dublin Core Crosswalk

Rebecca S. Guenther rgue@loc.gov
Sat, 10 Feb 2001 16:09:56 -0500 (EST)

A crosswalk from MARC to Dublin Core is now available from the MARC 21 Web
site.  This document marks MARC 21 fields to Dublin Core elements; there
are separate sections for unqualified and qualified Dublin Core. It is at:

The alternate mapping, Dublin Core to MARC, is undergoing revision and
will be made available soon.

The crosswalk (unqualified Dublin Core) is generally used by the Library
of Congress in its OAI implementation with a few modifications.

^^  Rebecca S. Guenther                                   ^^
^^  Senior Networking and Standards Specialist            ^^
^^  Network Development and MARC Standards Office         ^^
^^  1st and Independence Ave. SE                          ^^
^^  Library of Congress                                   ^^
^^  Washington, DC 20540-4402                             ^^
^^  (202) 707-5092 (voice)    (202) 707-0115 (FAX)        ^^
^^  rgue@loc.gov                                          ^^
^^                                                        ^^