ORE Specification - Resource Map Profile of Atom

26 February 2008


This document was part of an alpha release and has been superseded.

This version:
Latest version:
Previous version:
Editors (OAI Executive)
Carl Lagoze, Cornell University Information Science
Herbert Van de Sompel, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Editors (ORE Technical Committee)
Pete Johnston, Eduserv Foundation
Michael Nelson, Old Dominion University
Robert Sanderson, University of Liverpool
Simeon Warner, Cornell University Information Science


Open Archives Initiative Object Reuse and Exchange (OAI-ORE) defines standards for the description and exchange of aggregations of Web resources. OAI-ORE introduces the notion of a Resource Map, which is a specialization of a named graph that identifies and asserts a finite set of resources (the Aggregated Resources), their types, intra-relationships, and relationships with resources external to this finite set. A Resource Map can be serialized in different formats, and the purpose of this document is to specify a serialization based on, and compliant with the Atom syndication format. This Atom-based format to serialize Resource Maps may be referred to as the Resource Map Profile of Atom. This specification is one of several documents comprising the OAI-ORE specification and user guide.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
    1.1 Notational Conventions
    1.2 Compliance
    1.3 Example
2. Correspondence between the ORE Model and the Atom Model
3. Use of Atom Constructs in the Resource Map Profile of Atom
    3.1 Text Constructs
    3.2 Person Constructs
    3.3 Date Constructs
4. Use of Atom Elements in the Resource Map Profile of Atom
    4.1 Container Elements
         4.1.1 The "atom:feed" Element
         4.1.2 The "atom:entry" Element
         4.1.3 The "atom:content" Element
    4.2 Metadata Elements
         4.2.1 The "atom:author" Element
         4.2.2 The "atom:category" Element
         4.2.3 The "atom:contributor" Element
         4.2.4 The "atom:generator" Element
         4.2.5 The "atom:icon" Element
         4.2.6 The "atom:id" Element
         4.2.7 The "atom:link" Element
         4.2.8 The "atom:logo" Element
         4.2.9 The "atom:published" Element
         4.2.10 The "atom:rights" Element
         4.2.11 The "atom:source" Element
         4.2.12 The "atom:subtitle" Element
         4.2.13 The "atom:summary" Element
         4.2.14 The "atom:title" Element
         4.2.15 The "atom:updated" Element
         4.2.16 Use of Atom Extension Elements in the Resource Map Profile of Atom
    Extension Elements for the "atom:feed" Element
    Extension Elements for the "atom:entry" Element
5. References


A. Acknowledgements
B. Extended Example
C. Schematron Schema for Resource Map Profile of Atom
D. GRDDL crosswalk from Atom XML to RDF/XML
E. Change Log

1. Introduction

Open Archives Initiative Object Reuse and Exchange (OAI-ORE) defines standards for the description and exchange of aggregations of Web resources. OAI-ORE introduces the notion of a Resource Map, which is a specialization of a named graph that identifies and asserts a finite set of resources (the Aggregated Resources), their types, intra-relationships, and relationships with resources external to this finite set. A Resource Map Document is a machine-readable representation of a Resource Map. A Resource Map can be serialized in different formats, and the purpose of this document is to specify a serialization based on, and compliant with the Atom syndication format [RFC4287]. A Resource Map Document in this serialization is a valid Atom Feed Document with some ORE-specific ingredients. This Atom-based format to serialize Resource Maps may be referred to as the Resource Map Profile of Atom.

The ORE Abstract Data Model imposes constraints on the types of triples that can be expressed in the Resource Map RDF Graph. The Atom-based serialization of the Abstract Data Model imposes some further constraints resulting from limitations in the expressiveness of the Atom syndication format. The major limitation of the Atom-based serialization is that it can express only relationships in which an Aggregation or an Aggregated Resource is the subject of the relationship triple. Although the expressiveness of Atom-based Resource Map Documents is limitted, their simplicity and their reliance on common feed technology may be appealing for a range of application domains. In addition, Atom-based Resource Map Documents can automatically be transformed into the RDF/XML-based serializations of Resource Maps.

This specifcation uses concepts and terms introduced in the following ORE documents:

The Resource Map Profile of Atom is fully compliant with the Atom Syndication Format [RFC4287] but defines a specific profile of it:

The ORE User Guide - Resource Map Implementation in Atom [ORE User Guide Resource Map] provides Atom implementation guidance to supplement this specification.

1.1 Notational Conventions

This specification uses the namespace prefix "atom:" for the Atom Namespace URI "" as defined in Section 1.2 of [RFC4287]. Note that the choice of namespace prefix is arbitrary and not semantically significant.

This specification uses the same shorthands to terms from the XML Infoset [XML Infoset] as used in [RFC4287]: the phrase "Information Item" is omitted when naming Element Information Items and Attribute Information Items. Therefore, when this specification uses the term "element," it is referring to an Element Information Item in Infoset terms. Likewise, when it uses the term "attribute," it is referring to an Attribute Information Item.

This specification uses the common term URI [RFC3986] to mean both IRI [RFC3987] and URI.

The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

1.2 Compliance

A Resource Map Document constructed according to the Resource Map Profile of Atom MUST be compliant with the Atom Syndication Format [RFC4287]. Moreover, it MUST adhere to the semantic mapping between the ORE Model and the Atom model detailed Section 2, as well as to the restrictions and extensions of the Resource Map Profile of Atom detailed in Section 3 and Section 4.

Specifically, a Resource Map Document MUST be a well-formed XML document that is valid according to the Relax NG Compact Schema of [RFC4287]. Moreover, a Resource Map Document MUST be valid according to the more specific Schematron Schema of Appendix C that further restricts the syntax of Resource Map Profile of Atom.

1.3 Example

Throughout the remainder of this document, the following scenario will be used to illustrate the specifics of the Resource Map Profile of Atom.

D-Lib Magazine <> decides to embrace the OAI-ORE interoperability specification by minting Resource Map URIs (URI-R) for each of its articles, and by making a Resource Map Document available from each of those URIs. A Resource Map Document lists all the Web resources of which a D-Lib article is composed. The scenario zooms in on the following article:

Joan A. Smith, Frank McCown, Michael L. Nelson. Observed Web Robot Behavior on Decaying Web Subsites. D-Lib Magazine, Volume 12, Number 2, February 2006. doi:10.1045/february2006-smith. <>.

When implementing the OAI-ORE interoperability layer, D-Lib Magazine mints a new URI (URI-R) from which the Resource Map Document listing all Web resources of the above D-Lib article is made available: <>. In order to support discovery, D-Lib Magazine also implements one or more of the Resource Map discovery techniques described in the ORE User Guide - Resource Map Discovery [ORE User Guide Discovery].

A minimal Resource Map Document for the D-Lib Magazine article is shown below. It is also available here. It will be further elaborated throughout this document, and a rich version is provided in Appendix B.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<atom:feed  xmlns:atom="" 
    <atom:link rel="self" 
               href="" />
        <atom:name>D-Lib Magazine</atom:name>
    <atom:title>Resource Map</atom:title>
    <atom:category  scheme="" 
                    label="Resource Map" />
    <atom:link rel="describes" 
        href="" />
    <atom:link rel="related" 
               href="info:doi/10.1045/february2006-smith" />
        <atom:link  rel="alternate" type="text/html" 
                    title="Observed Web Robot Behavior on Decaying Web Subsites" />
        <atom:link  rel="alternate" 
                    href="" />
        <atom:link  rel="alternate" 
                    href="" />
        <atom:link  rel="alternate" 
                    href="" />
        <atom:title>Bibliographic metadata for info:doi/10.1045/february2006-smith</atom:title>
        <atom:link rel="alternate" 
         href=";rft_id=info:doi/10.1045/february2006-smith&amp;noredirect=true" />

2. Correspondence between the ORE Model and the Atom Model

Table 1 and Figure 1 illustrate how entities from the ORE Model map to entities from the Atom model [RFC4287].

In general, an Atom feed corresponds to a Resource Map, and an Atom Feed Document corresponds to a Resource Map Document. Moreover, an Atom entry in the Atom feed exists for each Aggregated Resource of the Aggregation described by the Resource Map. Each Aggregated Resource is conveyed in such an Atom entry by means of a unique atom:link child element of atom:entry that expresses a relationship with a value of "related".

More specifically, the following holds with regard to the mapping:

Figure 1 illustrates this mapping. It shows a picture similar to the one illustrating the ORE Model in the ORE Abstract Model document, but has Atom entities overlaid on it. The left hand of the picture shows the Atom feed that coincides with the Resource Map, while the right hand shows the Atom entries of that Atom feed that are introduced to convey the Aggregated Resources of the Aggregation described by the Resource Map. Typed relationships from the ORE Model are shown as black arrows, whereas the constructs from the Atom serialization are shown in red arrows. When a black arrow and a red arrow carry the same number, this indicates that the specific typed relationship from the ORE Model is implemented in Atom using the construct with the same number. For example the black arrow [2] asserts <A-1> <ore:analogousTo> <DOI-1> according to the ORE Model, and conveys an identifier (DOI-1) that is associated with the Aggregation described by the Resource Map. In the Atom serialization, the corresponding construct is shown as a red arrow and also carries a [2]. It indicates that the assertion from the ORE Model is expressed in Atom by means of an atom:link child element of the atom:feed that has a relationship attribute with a value of "related" and an href attribute with a value of "DOI-1". Similarly, the black arrow [3] asserts <A-1> <ore:aggregates> <AR-1> according to the ORE Model. In the Atom serialization, the corresponding construct is shown as the red arrow that also carries the [3]. It indicates that the Aggregated Resource is conveyed by means of an atom:entry that has an atom:link child element that has a relationship attribute with a value of "alternate" and an href attribute with a value of "AR-1", which is the URI of the Aggregated Resource.

Figure 1: Mapping between the ORE Model and the and Atom model
ORE Model in Atom

Table 1: Correspondence between items from the ORE and Atom models
Entities from the ORE Model Entities from the Atom model
Resource Map Atom feed
Resource Map Document Atom Feed Document
  Permanent, universally unique identifier of an Atom feed
URI-R from which a Resource Map Document is retrievable The preferred URI for retrieving Atom Feed Documents representing an Atom feed
Metadata pertaining to the Resource Map Atom-defined elements to convey metadata pertaining to the Atom feed
URI-A (= URI-R#aggregation) of the Aggregation The URI of the resource that is linked to from the Atom feed by means of an Atom <link> that expresses a relationship with a value of "describes"
URI other than URI-A (= URI-R#aggregation) by which the Aggregation is known (corresponds with the ore:analogousTo relationship) The URI of the resource that is linked to from the Atom feed by means of an Atom <link> that expresses a relationship with a value of "related"
Relationships and Types pertaining to the Aggregation described by the Resource Map Extension child elements (i.e. child elements that are not in the Atom namespace) of the Atom feed
  Atom entry
  Atom Entry Document
  Permanent, universally unique identifier of an Atom entry
  The preferred URI for retrieving Atom Entry Documents representing an Atom entry
  Metadata pertaining to the Atom entry
Aggregated Resource The sole resource that is linked to from an Atom entry by means of an Atom <link> that expresses a relationship with a value of "alternate"
URI-AR of the Aggregated Resource The URI provided as the target of the aforementioned link
Relationships and Types pertaining to an Aggregated Resource Extension child elements (i.e. child elements that are not in the Atom namespace) of the Atom entry that has the Aggregated Resource as the target of the link that expresses a relationship with a value of "alternate"
Relationship of an Aggregated Resource to another Aggregation Expressed by means of a relationship between the Aggregated Resource and the Resource Map that describes the other Aggregation. This is achieved by using an Atom <link> child element of the entry that conveys the Aggregated Resource that hasan href attribute value set to the URI of that Resource Map and a rel attribute value set to "via"

Table 2 shows the elements of an Atom feed used to express a Resource Map. Elements that are mandatory are highlighted.

Table 2: The elements of an Atom feed used to express an ORE Resource Map
Atom Feed Item Atom representation ORE Abstract Model
Feed ID


[RFC3987] [RFC3986]

Feed Document link


[RFC3987] [RFC3986]


[URI-R identifies the Resource Map, and from which a Resource Map Document can be retrieved]


/feed/link[@rel="describes" and @href="URI-R#aggregation"]\

[RFC3987] [RFC3986]

The assertion:

URI-R ore:describes URI-R#aggregation

[The Resource Map describes an Aggregation]

Feed "related" Link


[RFC3987] [RFC3986]

It is RECOMMENDED to convey other identifiers by which the Aggregation described by the Resource Map is known. Examples are info:doi/... , , etc.

Resource that is the object of the assertion:

URI-R#aggregation ore:analogousTo URI-object

[URI other than URI-A (= URI-R#aggregation) by which the Aggregation conveyed by the Resource Map is known]

Feed Author



[RFC3987] [RFC3986] [RFC2822]

/feed/author/name is mandatory according to Atom; /feed/author/uri should be provided as it directly maps to the ORE model notion of dc:creator of the Resource Map.

Resource that is the object of the assertion:

URI-R dc:creator URI-object

[Authoring authority of the Resource Map]

Feed Title /feed/title  
Feed Last Update Date-time



Format should be "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ"

Object of the assertion:

URI-R dcterms:modified "datetime"

[Last modification datetimestamp of the Resource Map Document]

Feed Generator /feed/generator  
Feed Copyright


It is RECOMMENDED that this element contains the URI of a Rights license.

Resource that is the object of the assertion:

URI-R dc:rights URI-object

[Rights pertaining to the Resource Map]

Feed Category


One Category must be provided with a term value set to ""; see also Feed Category Scheme.

Resource that is the object of the assertion:

URI-R rdf:type URI-object

A mandatory assertion is:

URI-R rdf:type

[Typing a resource as being a Resource Map]

Feed Category Scheme


One Category must be provided with a scheme value set to "". See also Feed Category.

Feed Icon


It is recommended that this element contains the URI of the ORE Resource Map Icon ""

Feed Logo


It is recommended that this element contains the URI of the ORE Resource Map Logo ""

Feed Contributor /feed/contributor  
Feed Description /feed/subtitle  
Feed Extension Elements /feed/*[namespace-uri()!=""]

Assertions that have as subject URI-A (= URI-R#aggregation) other than the assertions with predicate ore:aggregates.

[Relationships and Types pertaining to the Aggregation described by the Resource Map]

Table 3 shows the elements of an Atom entry used when expressing a Resource Map as an Atom feed. Elements that are mandatory are highlighted.

Table 3: The elements of an Atom entry used when expressing an ORE Resource Map as an Atom feed
Atom Entry Item Atom representation ORE Abstract Model
Entry ID


[RFC3987] [RFC3986]

Entry Document link


[RFC3987] [RFC3986]

Entry "alternate" link


[RFC3987] [RFC3986]

URI-AR, i.e. the resource that is the object of the assertion:

URI-R#aggregation ore:aggregates URI-AR

[URI-AR of the Aggregated Resource]

Entry "via" link


[RFC3987] [RFC3986]

The resource (MUST be a Resource Map) identified by URI-otherResourceMap in the assertions:

URI-AR ore:isAggregatedby URI-otherResourceMap#aggregation

URI-otherResourceMap ore:describes URI-otherResourceMap#aggregation

[Relationship of an Aggregated Resource to another Aggregation]

Entry Title /feed/entry/title  
Entry Publication Date-Time



Format should be "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ"

Entry Last Update Date-time



Format should be "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ"

Entry Category /feed/entry/category/@term  
Entry Category Scheme


Entry Contributor /feed/entry/contributor  
Entry Description /feed/entry/summary  
Entry Source /feed/entry/source  
Entry Extension Elements /feed/entry[./link/@href="URI-AR"
and ./link/@rel="alternate"]/*[

Assertions that have as subject URI-AR.

[Relationships and Types pertaining to an Aggregated Resource]


The ORE Abstract Data Model imposes constraints on the types of triples that can be expressed in the Resource Map RDF Graph. The Atom-based serialization of the Abstract Data Model imposes some further constraints resulting from limitations in the expressiveness of the Atom syndication format. The major limitation of the Atom-based serialization is that it can express only relationships in which the Aggregation or an Aggregated Resource is the subject of the relationship triple. Hence, the following relationships that are supported by the ORE Abstract Data Model can not be expressed using Atom:

  • Relationships where the object of the relationship triple is an Aggregation or an Aggregated Resource.
  • Relationships where neither the object nor the subject of the relationship triple are an Aggregation or an Aggregated Resource.

In addition to that, as already indicated in Table 2 and Table 3, the Atom-based serialization does not necessarily literally use the triples introduced in the Abstract Data Model, but sometimes uses Atom constructs to convey the information intended by those triples. Table 4 summarizes the constraints in the Atom serialization, as well as instances in which the triples of the Abstract Data Model are expressed using Atom constructs; the differences with the ORE Abstract Data Model are highlighted. The convention used in the Table 4 is that:

Table 4: Constraints in the Atom serialization compared with constraints in the ORE Abstract Data Model
Subject Predicate Object

Abstract Data Model

Occurs (Min, Max)

Resource Map Profile of Atom

Occurs (Min, Max)

ReM-1 ore:describes A-1
(1, 1)
(1, 1)
Relationship between Resource Map and Aggregation (5.1)
ReM-1 rdf:type ore:ResourceMap
(0, 1)
(1, 1)
Mandatory typing of the Resource Map (5.1) in Atom via the atom:category element.
ReM-1 dc:creator literal or URI-O
(1, *)
(1, *)
Metadata about Resource Map (Required) (5.2). Expressed via the atom:author element and its child elements.
ReM-1 dcterms:modified literal
(1, 1)
(1, 1)
Metadata about Resource Map (Required) (5.2). Expressed via the atom:updated element.
ReM-1 URI-P literal or URI-O
(0, *)
(0, *)
Metadata about Resource Map (Optional) (5.2). Limited to child elements of the atom:feed element that are in the Atom namespace.
(0, *)
(0, 0)
Metadata about Resource Map (Optional) (5.2).
A-1 ore:aggregates AR-i
(1, *)
(0, 0)
Relationship between Aggregation and Aggregated Resource (5.3). Aggregated Resources are conveyed by introducing an atom:entry per Aggregated Resource. As a result, the ore:aggregates relationship is implicit.
AR-i ore:isAggregatedBy A-1
(0, *)
(0, 0)
Relationship between Aggregated Resource and Aggregation (5.3). Aggregated Resources are conveyed by introducing an atom:entry per Aggregated Resource. As a result, the ore:isAggregatedBy relationship is implicit.
A-1 rdf:type ore:Aggregation
(0, 1)
(0, 1)
Typing of Aggregation (5.1).
A-1 ore:analogousTo URI-O
(0, *)
(0, *)
Other identifiers of the Aggregation (5.3). Expressed via the atom:link element with a value of the rel attribute set to "related".
A-1 URI-P literal or URI-O
(0, *)
(0, *)
Other properties of the Aggregation (5.3)/External Relationships of an Aggregation (5.6). Limited to child elements of the atom:feed element that are not in the Atom namespace.
(0, *)
(0, 0)
Other properties of the Aggregation (5.3)/Additional Relationships in the Resource Map (5.6).
AR-i ore:isAggregatedBy A-k
(0, *)
(0, *)
Relationship between Aggregated Resource and Other Aggregations (5.7). Expressed via the atom:link element with a value of the rel attribute set to "via".
AR-i URI-P literal or URI-O
(0, *)
(0, *)
Additional Relationships in the Resource Map (5.6). Limited to child elements of the atom:feed element that are not in the Atom namespace.
(0, *)
(0, 0)
Additional Relationships in the Resource Map (5.6).
(0, *)
(0, 0)
Additional Relationships in the Resource Map (5.6).

Section 3 and Section 4, which detail the Resource Map Profile of Atom will predominantly use terms from the Atom vocabulary, and will use terms from the ORE vocabulary for further clarification, when necessary.

3. Use of Atom Constructs in the Resource Map Profile of Atom

This Section specifies the use of common Atom Constructs in the Resource Map Profile of Atom. When, in the remainder of this document, an Atom element is identified as being a particular kind of construct, it inherits the corresponding requirements from that construct's definition in this Section 3.

3.1 Text Constructs

In the Resource Map Profile of Atom:

3.2 Person Constructs

In the Resource Map Profile of Atom:

3.3 Date Constructs

In the Resource Map Profile of Atom:

4. Use of Atom Elements in the Resource Map Profile of Atom

4.1 Container Elements

4.1.1 The "atom:feed" Element

In the Resource Map Profile of Atom:

4.1.2 The "atom:entry" Element

In the Resource Map Profile of Atom:

4.1.3 The "atom:content" Element

In the Resource Map Profile of Atom:

4.2 Metadata Elements

4.2.1 The "atom:author" Element

In the Resource Map Profile of Atom:

In the D-Lib Magazine example, D-Lib Magazine itself is the author of the Resource Map.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<atom:feed xmlns:atom="">
<!-- -->
<!-- About the Resource Map -->
<!-- -->
<!-- The authoring authority of the Resource Map -->
<!-- -->
<atom:name>D-Lib Magazine</atom:name>
<!-- The URI identifying the author of the Resource Map
     (ORE Model: dc:creator) -->

4.2.2 The "atom:category" Element

In the Resource Map Profile of Atom:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<atom:feed xmlns:atom="">
<!-- -->
<!-- About the Resource Map -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- The Atom feed is typed as an ORE Resource Map
      (ORE Model: rdf:type for URI-R) -->
<!-- -->
<atom:category scheme=""
      label="ResourceMap" />

4.2.3 The "atom:contributor" Element

In the Resource Map Profile of Atom:

4.2.4 The "atom:generator" Element

In the Resource Map Profile of Atom:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<atom:feed xmlns:atom="">
<!-- -->
<!-- About the Resource Map -->
<!-- -->
<generator uri="">D-Lib Magazine Resource Map Document creator software</generator>

4.2.5 The "atom:icon" Element

In the Resource Map Profile of Atom:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<atom:feed xmlns:atom="">
<!-- -->
<!-- About the Resource Map -->
<!-- -->

4.2.6 The "atom:id" Element

In the Resource Map Profile of Atom:

The ORE User Guide - Resource Map Implementation in Atom [ORE User Guide Resource Map] contains useful tips regarding the implementation of the atom:id element.

In the D-Lib Magazine example, <urn:uuid:abcefc20-4c4d-11dc-a9c2-0002a5d585de> is the Atom-specific identifier of the Atom feed. This identifier is important for Atom applications but has no ORE semantics. The identifier of the Resource Map (URI-R) is provided as the preferred URI from which the Atom Feed Document can be retrieved, <>.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<atom:feed xmlns:atom="">
<!-- -->
<!-- Atom-specific identifier of the Atom feed -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- About the Resource Map -->
<!-- -->
<!-- The URI identifying the Resource Map,
      i.e. the URI from which the Resource Map Document is retrievable
      (ORE Model: URI-R) -->
<!-- -->
<atom:link rel="self"
      href="" />

4.2.7 The "atom:link" Element

In the Resource Map Profile of Atom:

In the D-Lib Magazine example, the URI of the Resource Map (URI-R) is provided as the preferred URI from which the Atom Feed Document can be retrieved. This is achieved by means of an atom:link child element of the atom:feed element with a rel attribute of "self" and a href value of "".

The URI of the Aggregation described by this Resource Map (URI-A) is provided by means of an atom:link child element of the atom:feed element with a rel attribute of "describes" and a href value of "".

Other URIs (e.g. DOI) that are associated with the Aggregation described by the Resource Map Document are also provided using an atom:link element. These elements have a rel attribute value of "related" and a href attribute value set to another URI associated with the Aggregation, e.g. "info:doi/10.1045/february2006-smith".

The first entry of the Atom feed conveys the Aggregated Resource "". The URI of this resource (URI-AR) is provided as the value of the href attribute of the atom:link child element of the atom:entry element that has a rel attribute with a value of "alternate". The approach to point at other Resource Maps that also aggregate this resource, by using an atom:link element with a rel attribute set to "via" is explained in detail in the section on the atom:source element.

Moreover, D-Lib Magazine supports obtaining individual Atom entry documents. The URI from which the first Atom entry is available is "". This URI is provided as the value of the href attribute of the atom:link child element of the atom:entry element that has a rel attribute with a value of "self".

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<atom:feed xmlns:atom="">
<!-- -->
<!-- About the Resource Map -->
<!-- -->
<!-- The URI identifying the Resource Map,
     i.e. the URI from which the Resource Map Document is retrievable
     (ORE Model: URI-R) -->
<!-- -->
<atom:link rel="self"
      href="" />
<!-- -->
<!-- About the Aggregation described by the Resource Map -->
<!-- -->
<!-- This Resource Map describes the Aggregation
      (ORE Model: URI-R#aggregation) -->

<!-- -->
<atom:link rel="describes"
      href="" />
<!-- -->
<!-- Other URIs that are associated with the aggregation described by this Resource Map Document
     (ORE Model: ore:analogousTo) -->
<!-- -->
<atom:link rel="related"
      href="info:doi/10.1045/february2006-smith" />
<!-- -->
<!-- Atom entry conveying the first Aggregated Resource -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- The Aggregated Resource (ORE Model: Aggregated Resource) -->
<!-- -->
<atom:link rel="alternate" type="text/html"
      title="Observed Web Robot Behavior on Decaying Web Subsites" />
<!-- -->
<atom:link rel="self"

4.2.8 The "atom:logo" Element

In the Resource Map Profile of Atom:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<atom:feed xmlns:atom="">
<!-- -->
<!-- About the Resource Map -->
<!-- -->

4.2.9 The "atom:published" Element

In the Resource Map Profile of Atom:

In the D-Lib Magazine example, the fourth entry was first published on 2007-08-17T21:12:44Z as a means to aggregate the resource "". Note that this resource existed a long time before the entry was first published, as it is part of the D-Lib Magazine paper that was published in February 2006.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<atom:feed xmlns:atom="">
<!-- -->
<!-- Atom entry conveying the fourth Aggregated Resource -->
<!-- -->

4.2.10 The "atom:rights" Element

In the Resource Map Profile of Atom:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<atom:feed xmlns:atom="">
<!-- -->
<!-- About the Resource Map -->
<!-- -->

4.2.11 The "atom:source" Element

In the Resource Map Profile of Atom:

Presume Alice creates a Resource Map in which she wants to aggregate the PDF file "" of the D-Lib Magazine article. Alice could obviously start from scratch and create an atom:entry in her Resource Map to convey the PDF file. But, she might also have come across the Resource Map published for the article by D-Lib Magazine, and decide to re-use its atom:entry that conveys the PDF file. In this case, Alice (well, Alice's software that is) would copy the respective atom:entry from D-Lib Magazine's Resource Map Document and paste it into hers. The pasted atom:entry is identical to the one from the D-Lib Magzine Resource Map, except for the (automatic) addition of crucial metadata to the copied entry's atom:source child element (in this case the atom:author, atom:category, atom:id, atom:link, atom:update and atom:rights from the D-Lib Resource Map Document). Alice's pasted entry aggregates the PDF file, as was her intent, but can also unambiguously be traced back to its origin in the D-Lib Magazine Resource Map.

If later, Bob discovers Alice's Resource Map and wants to re-use her copy/pasted entry that conveys the PDF file in his Resource Map, he can perform a similar copy/paste operation. Note that in Bob's case the source information is already available in Alice's Resource Map and must not be overwritten. The same situation occurs when Carol re-uses the entry from Bob's Resource Map: because source information is already present, the atom:entry is copied "as is", with inclusion of the atom:source child element.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<atom:feed xmlns:atom="">
<!-- -->
<!-- Atom-specific identifier of Alice's Resource Map -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- URI-R of Alice's Resource Map -->
<!-- -->
<atom:link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml"
      href="" />
<!-- -->
<!-- Alice's first Aggregated Resource. -->
<!-- The entry that conveys the PDF file is a copy of the entry
     from the D-Lib Magazine Resource Map that conveys the PDF file. -->
<!-- Source information is added when the entry is copied -->
<!-- -->
<atom:link rel="alternate"
      href="" />
<!-- -->
<!-- Metadata pertaining to the origin D-Lib Magazine Resource Map -->
<!-- -->
<atom:link rel="self"
      href="" />
<atom:link rel="describes"
      href="" />
<atom:name>D-Lib Magazine</atom:name>
<atom:title>Resource Map</atom:title>
<atom:category scheme=""
      label="Resource Map" />
<atom:link rel="related"
      href="info:doi/10.1045/february2006-smith" />
<atom:link rel="self"
      href="" />

The Atom "source" notion is different from the Relationships to other Aggregations notion of the ORE Model. When Alice wants to express that the PDF file that she uses as an Aggregated Resource in her Resource Map is also aggregated by the D-Lib Magazine Resource Map (as a matter of fact, she may have discovered the PDF file via that D-Lib Magazine Resource Map and wants to express this information), she adds a relationship from the PDF file that is her Aggregated Resource to the D-Lib Magazine Resource Map. This is achieved by adding an atom:link element with a value of "via" for the rel attribute. As can be seen, at this stage, this atom:link element and the atom:source both point at the D-Lib Magazine Resource Map:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<atom:feed xmlns:atom="">
<!-- -->
<!-- Atom-specific identifier of Alice's Resource Map -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- URI-R of Alice's Resource Map -->
<!-- -->
<atom:link rel="self"
      href="" />
<!-- -->
<!-- Alice's first Aggregated Resource. -->
<!-- The entry that conveys the PDF file is a copy of the entry from the D-Lib Magazine Resource Map that conveys the PDF file. -->
<!-- Source information is added when the entry is copied -->
<!-- -->
<atom:link rel="alternate"
      href="" />
<!-- -->
<!-- Express that the D-Lib Magazine Resource Map also aggregates this resource -->
<!-- -->
<atom:link rel="via"
      href="" />
<!-- -->
<!-- Metadata pertaining to the origin D-Lib Magazine Resource Map -->
<!-- -->
<atom:link rel="related"
      href="info:doi/10.1045/february2006-smith" />
<atom:link rel="self"
      href="" />
<atom:link rel="describes"
      href="" />

However, when Bob comes in and copy/pastes Alice's entry the difference between atom:source and the ORE Relationships to other Aggregations notion become clear. Indeed, Bob's atom:source still points at the D-Lib Magazine Resource Map, whereas the atom:link with the rel="via" attribute points at Alice's Resource Map. Note that, in addition to this, another atom:link with a rel="via" attribute could point at the D-Lib Magazine Resource Map.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<atom:feed xmlns:atom="">
<!-- -->
<!-- Atom-specific identifier of Bob's Resource Map -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- URI-R of Bob's Resource Map -->
<!-- -->
<atom:link rel="self"
      href="" />
<!-- -->
<!-- Bob's first Aggregated Resource. -->
<!-- The entry that conveys the PDF file is a copy of the entry from the D-Lib Magazine Resource Map that conveys the PDF file. -->
<!-- The entry was obtained from Alice's Resource Map -->
<!-- Source information was added by Alice and is not overwritten by Bob -->
<!-- -->
<atom:link rel="alternate"
      href="" />
<!-- -->
<!-- Express that Jane's Resource Map also aggregates this resource -->
<!-- -->
<atom:link rel="via"
      href="" />
<!-- -->
<!-- Metadata pertaining to the origin D-Lib Magazine Resource Map -->
<!-- -->
<atom:link rel="related"
      href="info:doi/10.1045/february2006-smith" />
<atom:link rel="self"
      href="" />
<atom:link rel="describes"
      href="" />

When Carol now re-uses Bob's entry, Carol's Resource Map may point at Bob's Resource Map to support disocvery, while the atom:source of Carol's entry will still point at the origin D-Lib Magazine Resource Map:

<atom:link rel="alternate"
      href="" />
<atom:link rel="via"
      href="" />
<atom:link rel="related"
      href="info:doi/10.1045/february2006-smith" />
<atom:link rel="self"
      href="" />
<atom:link rel="describes"
      href="" />

4.2.12 The "atom:subtitle" Element

In the Resource Map Profile of Atom:

4.2.13 The "atom:summary" Element

In the Resource Map Profile of Atom:

4.2.14 The "atom:title" Element

In the Resource Map Profile of Atom:

The ORE User Guide - Resource Map Implementation in Atom [ORE User Guide Resource Map] contains useful tips regarding the implementation of the atom:title element.

4.2.15 The "atom:updated" Element

In the Resource Map Profile of Atom:

In the D-Lib Magazine example, a Resource Map for the article was first published on August 17th of 2007, more than a year after the publication of the journal article itself. This date of publication of the Resource Map can be observed in the atom:published element of the third and fourth atom:entry. It also shows up as the value of the atom:updated element of the third entry, indicating no changes occurred to that entry since its publication. However, on September 22nd of 2007, the authors of the article requested to update an image used in their paper; that image is the Aggregated Resource conveyd by the fourth atom:entry. As a result, D-Lib Magazine changed the date-time of the associated atom:updated element, leaving the date-time of the associated atom:published element unchanged. The change in the atom:updated element of this one atom:entry caused D-Lib Magazine to also change the date-time of the atom:updated element of the atom:feed.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<atom:feed xmlns:atom="">
<!-- -->
<!-- About the Resource Map -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- The date of most recent modification of the Resource Map
     (ORE Model: dc:modified) -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Atom entry conveying the third Aggregated Resource -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Atom entry conveying the fourth Aggregated Resource -->
<!-- -->
<atom:link rel="alternate"
      href="" />

4.2.16 Use of Atom Extension Elements in the Resource Map Profile of Atom

This Section specifies how the Resource Map Profile of Atom makes use of the extension elements allowed by [RFC4287]. The use of extension elements of an atom:feed element are discussed in Section, and extension elements of an atom:entry element are discussed in Section Extension Elements for the "atom:feed" Element

The Resource Map Profile of Atom allows the use of OPTIONAL extension elements for the atom:feed element to convey Relationships and Types pertaining to the Aggregation described by the Resource Map. These Relationships and Types are conveyed as child elements of atom:feed that are not in the Atom namespace.

In the Resource Map Profile of Atom:

In the D-Lib Magazine example, the extension child elements of the atom:feed element are used to convey several Types and Relationships of the Aggregation described by the Resource Map. The elements express authorship of the Aggregation, the type of the Aggregation as being a journal article, and the fact that the journal article is part of D-Lib Magazine.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<atom:feed xmlns:atom="">
<!-- -->
<!-- About the Aggregation described by the Resource Map -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Implicit: this Resource Map describes the Aggregation
     (ORE Model: URI-R#aggregation) -->
<!-- -->
<!-- About the Aggregation described by this Resource Map
     (ORE Model: Relationships and Types pertaining to the Aggregation) -->
<!-- -->
... Extension Elements for the "atom:entry" Element

The Resource Map Profile of Atom allows the use of OPTIONAL extension elements for the atom:entry element to convey Relationships and Types pertaining to the Aggregated Resource conveyed by the atom:entry. These Relationships and Types are conveyed as child elements of atom:entry that are not in the Atom namespace.

In the Resource Map Profile of Atom:

In the D-Lib Magazine example, the extension child elements of the atom:entry element are used to express several Types and Relationships for the Aggregated Resource conveyed by the respective atom:entry.

For the first Aggregated Resource, authorship and creation date are expressed, and URIs are provided of resources that are referenced by the Aggregated Resource. Furthermore, the Aggregated Resource is asserted to be a Web page and to contain mainly textual information. Lastly, the "info:eu-repo/semantics/humanStartPage" Type indicates that of all the Aggregated Resources of this Aggregation, this resource is the best entry point for human consumption.

For the fourth Aggregated Resource, the type is asserted to be an image. Furthermore, it is asserted that this Aggregated Resource conforms to the digital format identified by "info:pronom/fmt/13", which is the format identifier for Portable Network Graphic version 1.2.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<atom:feed xmlns:atom="">
<!-- -->
<!-- Atom entry conveying the first Aggregated Resource -->
<!-- -->
<atom:link rel="alternate"
      title="Observed Web Robot Behavior on Decaying Web Subsites" />
<!-- -->
<!-- About the Aggregated Resource
     (ORE Model: Relationships and types pertaining to the Aggregated Resource) -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Atom entry conveying the fourth Aggregated Resource -->
<!-- -->
<atom:link rel="alternate"
      href="" />
<!-- -->
<!-- About the Aggregated Resource
     (ORE Model: Relationships and types pertaining to the Aggregated Resource) -->
<!-- -->

5. References

[Named Graph]
Named graphs, provenance and trust, J. Carroll, C. Bizer, P. Hayes, P. Stickler, Proceedings of the 14th international conference on World Wide Web, 2005. doi:10.1145/1060745.1060835. Available at
[ORE Model]
ORE Specification - Abstract Data Model, C. Lagoze, H. Van de Sompel, P. Johnston, M. Nelson, R. Sanderson, S. Warner, 2007, Available at
[ORE Vocabulary]
ORE Specification - Vocabulary, C. Lagoze, H. Van de Sompel, P. Johnston, M. Nelson, R. Sanderson, S. Warner, 2007, Available at
[ORE User Guide Resource Map]
ORE User Guide - Resource Map Implementation in Atom, C. Lagoze, H. Van de Sompel, P. Johnston, M. Nelson, R. Sanderson, S. Warner, 2007, Available at
[ORE User Guide Discovery]
ORE User Guide - ORE User Guide - Resource Map Discovery, C. Lagoze, H. Van de Sompel, P. Johnston, M. Nelson, R. Sanderson, S. Warner, 2007, Available at
IETF RFC 2119: Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels, S. Bradner, March 1997. Available at
IETF 2822: Internet Message Format, P. Resnick, April 2001. Available at
IETF 3339: Date and Time on the Internet: Timestamps, G. Klyne, C. Newman, July 2002, Available at
IETF RFC 3986: Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax, T. Berners-Lee, R. Fielding, L. Masinter, January 2005. Available at
IETF RFC 3987: Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs), M. Duerst, M. Suignard, January 2005. Available at
IETF RFC 4287: The Atom Syndication Format, M. Nottingham, R. Sayre, December 2005. Available at
[XML Infoset]
W3C XML Infoset (Second Edition), J. Cowan, R. Tobin, February 2004, Available at

A. Acknowledgements

This document is the work of the Open Archives Initiative. Funding for Open Archives Initiative Object Reuse and Exchange is provided by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Microsoft, and the National Science Foundation.  Additional support is provided by the Coalition for Networked Information.

This document is based on meetings of the OAI-ORE Technical Committee (ORE-TC), with participation from the OAI-ORE Liaison Group (ORE-LG).  Members of the ORE-TC are: Chris Bizer (Freie Universität Berlin), Les Carr (University of Southampton), Tim DiLauro (Johns Hopkins University), Leigh Dodds (Ingenta), David Fulker (UCAR), Tony Hammond (Nature Publishing Group), Pete Johnston (Eduserv Foundation), Richard Jones (Imperial College), Peter Murray (OhioLINK), Michael Nelson (Old Dominion University), Ray Plante (NCSA and National Virtual Observatory), Rob Sanderson (University of Liverpool), Simeon Warner (Cornell University), and Jeff Young (OCLC).  Members of ORE-LG are: Leonardo Candela (DRIVER), Tim Cole (DLF Aquifer and UIUC Library), Julie Allinson (JISC), Jane Hunter (DEST), Savas Parastatidis  (Microsoft), Sandy Payette (Fedora Commons), Thomas Place (DARE and University of Tilburg), Andy Powell (DCMI), and Robert Tansley (Google, Inc. and DSpace)

We also acknowledge comments from the OAI-ORE Advisory Committee (ORE-AC).

Many thanks to the Digital Library Research & Prototyping Team of the Los Alamos National Laboratory for their inspiring explorations into Atom and ORE space: Lyudmilla Balakireva, Ryan Chute, Stephan Drescher, Alberto Pepe, Zhiwu Xie.

B. Extended Example

A rich Resource Map Document for the D-Lib Magazine article is shown below and is available here.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<atom:feed xmlns:atom="" 
    <!-- --> 
    <!-- Atom-specific identifier of the Atom feed --> 
    <!-- -->
    <!-- -->
    <!-- About the Resource Map --> 
    <!-- -->
    <!-- The URI identifying the Resource Map, 
          i.e. the URI from which the Resource Map Document is retrievable 
          (ORE Model: URI-R) --> 
    <atom:link rel="self" 
               href="" />
    <!-- The authoring authority of the Resource Map --> 
        <atom:name>D-Lib Magazine</atom:name>
        <!-- The URI identifying the author of the Resource Map (ORE Model: dc:creator) --> 
    <!-- The URI expressing the rights pertaining to the Resource Map 
         (ORE Model: dc:rights) --> 
    <!-- The date of most recent modification of the Resource Map 
         (ORE Model: dc:modified) --> 
    <!-- The Atom feed is typed as an ORE Resource Map 
         (ORE Model: rdf:type for URI-R --> 
    <atom:category scheme="" 
                   label="Resource Map" />
    <atom:title>Resource Map</atom:title>
    <!-- -->
    <!-- About the Aggregation described by the Resource Map --> 
    <!-- -->
    <!-- This Resource Map describes the Aggregation 
            (ORE Model: URI-R#aggregation) --> 
    <atom:link rel="describes" 
        href="" />
    <!-- -->
    <!-- Other URIs that are associated with the aggregation 
            described by this Resource Map Document 
            (ORE Model: ore:analogousTo) --> 
    <atom:link rel="related" 
               href="info:doi/10.1045/february2006-smith" />
    <!-- About the Aggregation described by this Resource Map 
        (ORE Model: Relationships and Types pertaining to the Aggregation) -->
    <!-- --> 
    <!-- The Aggregated Resources, their Types and Relationships --> 
    <!-- -->
    <!-- Atom entry conveying the first Aggregated Resource -->
    <!-- --> 
        <!-- -->
        <!-- About the ATOM entry that conveys the Aggregated Resource -->
        <!-- -->
        <!-- -->
        <!-- The Aggregated Resource 
             (ORE Model: Aggregated Resource) --> 
        <!-- -->
        <atom:link rel="alternate" type="text/html" 
                   title="Observed Web Robot Behavior on Decaying Web Subsites" />
        <!-- -->
        <!-- About the Aggregated Resource 
             (ORE Model: Relationships and types pertaining to the Aggregated Resource) --> 
        <!-- -->
    <!-- -->
    <!-- Atom entry conveying the second Aggregated Resource -->
    <!-- --> 
        <atom:link rel="alternate" 
                   href="" />
    <!-- -->
    <!-- Atom entry conveying the third Aggregated Resource -->
    <!-- --> 
        <atom:link rel="alternate" 
                   href="" />
    <!-- -->
    <!-- Atom entry conveying the fourth Aggregated Resource -->
    <!-- --> 
        <atom:link rel="alternate" 
                   href="" />
    <!-- -->
    <!-- Atom entry conveying the fifth Aggregated Resource -->
    <!-- --> 
        <atom:title>Bibliographic metadata for info:doi/10.1045/february2006-smith</atom:title>
        <atom:link rel="alternate" 
         href=";rft_id=info:doi/10.1045/february2006-smith&amp;noredirect=true" />

C. Schematron Schema for the Resource Map Profile of Atom

The up-to-date version of the Schematron schema for the Resource Map Profile of Atom is available at

D. GRDDL crosswalk from Atom XML to RDF/XML

The up-to-date version of the GRDDL-compliant XSLT to transform an Atom-based serialization of a Resource Map into a serialization in RDF/XML is available at This XSLT uses XSLT 2.0 functionality. In order to allow Atom-based Resource Maps to be readily transformed in this manner, it is RECOMMENDED to add GRDDL namespace and transformation information as attributes to the atom:feed element, as shown below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<atom:feed xmlns:atom=""

The result of transforming the extended example of Appendix B in this manner is shown below and is also available here. Online transformation engines exist. For example, the W3C's Online XSLT 2.0 service takes the URIs of a stylesheet and an XML document as input.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rdf:RDF xmlns:dcterms=""
    <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
        <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
        <ore:describes rdf:resource=""/>
        <dc:creator rdf:resource=""/>
        <dc:creator>D-Lib Magazine</dc:creator>
        <dc:rights rdf:resource=""/>
    <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
        <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
        <ore:aggregates rdf:resource=""/>
        <ore:aggregates rdf:resource=""/>
        <ore:aggregates rdf:resource=""/>
        <ore:aggregates rdf:resource=""/>
        <ore:aggregates rdf:resource=";rft_id=info:doi/10.1045/february2006-smith&amp;noredirect=true"/>
        <ore:analogousTo rdf:resource="info:doi/10.1045/february2006-smith"/>
        <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
        <dcterms:isPartOf rdf:resource=""/>
        <dc:creator xmlns:dc="" rdf:resource=""/>
        <dc:creator xmlns:dc="" rdf:resource=""/>
        <dc:creator xmlns:dc="" rdf:resource=""/>
    <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
        <dc:created xmlns:dc="">2006-02-15</dc:created>
        <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
        <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
        <dcterms:references rdf:resource=""/>
        <dcterms:references rdf:resource=""/>
        <dcterms:references rdf:resource=""/>
        <dc:creator xmlns:dc="" rdf:resource=""/>
        <dc:creator xmlns:dc="" rdf:resource=""/>
        <dc:creator xmlns:dc="" rdf:resource=""/>
        <rdf:type rdf:resource="info:eu-repo/semantics/humanStartPage"/>
    <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
        <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
        <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
        <dcterms:hasFormat rdf:resource=""/>
    <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
        <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
        <dc:format xmlns:dc="" rdf:resource="info:pronom/fmt/18"/>
    <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
        <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
        <dc:format xmlns:dc="" rdf:resource="info:pronom/fmt/13"/>
    <rdf:Description rdf:about=";rft_id=info:doi/10.1045/february2006-smith&amp;noredirect=true">
        <rdf:type rdf:resource="info:eu-repo/semantics/descriptiveMetadata"/>

E. Change Log

Date Editor Description
2008-02-26 herbertv public alpha 0.2 release
2007-12-10 herbertv public alpha 0.1 release
2007-10-15 herbertv alpha release to ORE-TC
OREA Resource Map for this page is available at

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

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