[UPS] Re: eprints.org and OpenArchives

Robert Tansley rht96r@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Fri, 24 Mar 2000 11:00:47 +0000

Simeon Warner wrote:
> I'm concerned by the statment on the software page (bullet 3)
> which says:
>   4. (Optionally, for interoperability) decide how these metadata fields
>   map to the Santa Fe set "
> While the home page proudly touts the EPrints software as `fully
> interoperable', point 4 above makes interoperability sound like
> something one could think about, given a rainy day with nothing
> else to do.

We've changed the wording on the eprints.org website.

While we certainly agree that interoperability should be strongly
advocated, some parties interested in using the software expressed the
desire for an "institution viewable only" sector. We don't want to
include this as part of the architecture (it is intended to be an "open"
archive, after all), but as a compromise we suggested they run a
separate, private EPrints server. To this end, it has to be possible to
switch off the interoperability. However, Simeon was right, we hadn't
worded it strongly enough - we hope the new wording conveys the
of interoperability.


 Robert Tansley                    Tel: +44 (0) 23 80594492
 Multimedia Research Group         Fax: +44 (0) 23 80592865
 Electronics & Computer Science    http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/~rht96r/
 University of Southampton
 Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK