[UPS] MARC to OAMS translation ready for comments

Robert France france@vt.edu
Wed, 05 Jul 2000 13:41:52 -0400

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The Java MarcRecord and MarcDocument objects being developed at the Virginia
Tech Digital Library Research Laboratory are now at a good state for comments. 
In particular, the Java MarcRecord object can read and write both MARC
tape format and OAi XML. The program has been tested on over 4,000 MARC
records, moving from tape format to XML and back to tape format without
losing a character. Thanks to Dean Wilder for the  test set.

The MarcDocument object can now produce short and long description in ASCII or ANSEL, long descriptions in HTML, and something approximating OAMS metadata records in the XML transport defined in the Santa Fe Convention.   This is closing in on the full set of translations that we envision providing.

Open questions for OAMS translation include: how to map entities not in the Santa Fe set (currently we use the same solution as for full XML records), what to use for "accession date" when none exists (a general problem, I know), and how to generate fullIds for library records (currently we have two kludges, but no general solution).

See  Open Archives @ Virginia Tech --- MARC XML for examples and discussion.  Please send any comments to  Robert .  Thanks.

    -- Robert France