[Orechem] Update of document ontology

Carl Lagoze clagoze at gmail.com
Thu Nov 12 12:42:53 EST 2009


In response to some more information from the Penn State folks I have updated the document ontology. If you go to http://services.nsdl.org/trac/oreChem/wiki/DocumentOntology and look at the attachments you will notice four new uploads that I made today. They are, in logical order:

- orechem.owl - a new vocabulary definition file for the oreChem namespace. I have generated this with Protegé so it should be more comprehensible.
- orechem_ontology.png -  A visualization of the oreChem namespace vocabulary generated by the W3C RDF visualizer
-orechem-article-atom.xml - a OAI ORE  atom encoding of an article document using the vocabulary of the oreChem namespace and other vocabularies
- orechem-article-atom.rdf - an RDF XML file that encodes the triples generated from the preceeding atom file by the OAI ORE grddl  rules
- orechem_article.png -  a visualization of the proceeding RDF XML file.

By and large this does not differ much from the material that I put up a couple of weeks ago and which some of us discussed last Friday. The changes can be summarized as follows:

- the atom link/alternate tag now points to the originally crawled PDF file.

- the aggregated resources now includes both a link to the locally Penn State stored version of the PDF file and extracted text file that they have generated

- metadata about the crawl that located this document has been included.

You can run a diff between these files and their previous iterations to see full details. Please let me know as soon as possible if you have any questions about these changes. Na Li, from Penn State, I believe I have fulfilled all of your requests but look carefully to see if I have.

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