[Orechem] A reminder about slide for me

Carl Lagoze clagoze at gmail.com
Thu Mar 5 16:25:47 EST 2009

As I said in our call, I am giving a talk at WebSci'09 (http://www.websci09.org/ 
) on March 19.  I need from each group one slide about your work  
relevant to the project.  Please send it to me in powerpoint so I can  
manipulate it.  The overall message I want to get across in the talk is:

-  How the Web, Semantic Web, and Linked Data can be used to  
facilitate changes in the research practices in a discipline - in this  
case Chemistry
-  How the notion of linkages among the units of information (text,  
data, code, etc.), participants (authors, labs, universities), and  
other artifacts of a field (compounds, experiments, etc.) are  
important in this
- How being able to aggregate these related entities into  bounded,  
nameable units (OAI-ORE) is important to this by creating "things to  
which we can refer", and facilitating objet-center sociality.

Any way you can tailor your slides into those themes (you don't have  
to address them specifically, thats my job) would be great.

By next Wednesday March 11 please.  If you feel it appropriate to send  
me a paragraph explaining the slide, please do



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