[Orechem] IMPORTANT: Information for today's call (Changed)

Carl Lagoze clagoze at gmail.com
Thu Mar 5 12:34:02 EST 2009


Some Important Things:

1.  A preliminary agenda is up at http://services.nsdl.org/trac/oreChem/wiki/03052009 
.  Please add to it if you wish
2. The main order of discussion is the data model.  I have organized  
our initial work on this.  Please take a moment and look at them:  http://services.nsdl.org/trac/oreChem/wiki/DataModel

3. The UK people alerted me to the fact that the conf call number I  
gave out is a US number.  Our provider at Cornell does not have  
international numbers.  Therefore,  I have decided to use yuuguu  
conference calling, since it does have a UK number.  For Jane it  
doesn't have an Australian number but it does have a skype out number.

The added advantage to this is that we can screen share

Please follow the following instructions:

Peter, Jane, Jeremy, Jim, Karl, Mark, Nico, Prasenjit, and Simon: I  
already have you in my contact list.  Please go online 5 minutes  
before the call and let me add you in.  I need to do the initiation to  
form the group.  Then you will get the common call in code.

Everyone else (Geoffrey, Marlon, Lee GIles, Lee Dirks, Alex):  do the  
following (takes about 5 minutes):

1. Download and install the yuuguu client from yuuguu.com (it runs on  
linux, windows, mac)
2. Start up the client and get an ID to connect to yuuguu (you should  
now have a window that looks like:
3. Once you are on you will need to find me and invite me.
   a. Hit the "Find Contacts link" in the yuuguu main window
   b. Leave the "I will enter the email addresses myself" button on
   c. Enter my email address "clagoze at gmail.com" in the text box
   d. Hit the "NEXT>" button
   e. You now should see a screen confirming you want to add me (leave  
me checked)
   f.  Hit the "NEXT>" button
   g. Another confirmation
   h. Hit the "FINISH" button
   i. I will then get an invite from you.  Once I accept you will see  
me as a contact in your main yuuguu window.
   j. I will add you to the group chat when we begin the meeting.
   k. You will then get a message from me (a small window) - hit "REPLY"
   l. a chat window will popup - there will be a phone number and PIN  
for the conf call in it (if it is the wrong country hit the county  
name and you will be able to set your locale.  (also conf call numbers  
are here http://www.yuuguu.com/pricing/conference-calling - use the  
PIN in your chat window.

CALL ME: +1-607-229-4330.


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