[OAI-implementers] error reporting

deridder deridder@cs.utk.edu
Mon, 24 Jun 2002 13:04:02 -0400 (EDT)

I'm afraid I wasn't clear.
Is is forbidden to use an error code for this situation since it is not
in the protocol?

On Mon, 24 Jun 2002, Stuart Chalk wrote:

> > How about for when the database is down, or other low-level
> > problems?
> >   I for one would like to use something like:
> >
> > <error code="ServerDown">Service unavailable.  Retry in one
> > hour</error>
> >
> >  with a 503 code, but obviously that's not in the protocol.
> Actually, this is in the protocol
> >From the v2.0 specficiations document
> Status-Code
> OAI-PMH errors are distinguished from HTTP Status-Codes. Since OAI-PMH
> uses HTTP as a transport layer, servers implementing OAI-PMH must conform
> to HTTP status code definitions and report relevant HTTP transport layer
> status via those Status-Codes. OAI-PMH repositories may employ HTTP
> Status-Codes in addition to "200 OK".For instance, the following
> Status-Codes may be useful for load balancing in OAI repositories:
> *	302 - Allows the repository to temporarily redirect an OAI-PMH
> request to another repository. The URI of the temporary repository should
> be given by the Location field in the HTTP response.
> *	503 - Service unavailable, a Retry-After period is specified.
> Harvesters should wait this period before attempting another OAI-PMH
> request.
> Stuart
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